Saline Infusion Sonogram
A saline infusion sonogram is routinely performed to make sure that the endometrial cavity (inside of the uterus) is normal. Benign uterine growths, such as polyps or uterine fibroids, may develop in the cavity and create an environment that is hostile for implantation of an embryo. Scar tissue may also be identified with the saline infusion sonogram. This procedure may be done as part of an evaluation for recurrent pregnancy loss or done prior to an IVF cycle. It may also be done to evaluate causes of irregular or very heavy menstrual cycles and some types of chronic pelvic pain. The saline infusion sonogram is usually scheduled early in a menstrual cycle, just after your period stops but before ovulation – usually between days 5-10 of the cycle. The procedure is simple and usually takes 10 to 15 minutes to complete. A speculum is inserted into the vagina and the cervix is cleansed with an antiseptic solution. A special catheter approximately 1mm in diameter (about the size of a single strand of spaghetti) is inserted through the cervical canal. The ultrasound probe is then placed in the vagina. Sterile saline flows through the catheter into the uterine cavity. This distends the endometrial cavity and allows the physician to see the entire cavity on the ultrasound monitor. The patient may experience mild cramping at this point. Several images of the uterus will be taken during the procedure. Pictures of the ovaries may also be taken. After the procedure the patient may continue to have mild cramping for a few hours. The patient may also experience light spotting or watery discharge for as long as 24 hours after the procedure. The patient should refrain from intercourse for approximately 48 hours.
Video of Saline Sonogram